Course Overview

Maintenance accounts are the key to recurring income and growth

This course is recorded from a special live workshop presented by John Freitag, a highly regarded stone and tile restoration industry expert best known for developing restoration processes unique to the industry that have consistently resulted in excellent results in less time. In this course, John shares from his vast experience of successfully developing and managing commercial maintenance accounts how to develop and sell properly managed maintenance programs that can become the recurring "bread and butter" income of your business. 

Your clients will benefit with your maintenance services too. Because maintenance programs are less expensive than periodic restoration, and your regularly scheduled commercial maintenance services will keep their floors will looking like new all the time.

Course Topics
  • Developing a maintenance program that fits the needs of the property
  • Developing the cycle for the maintenance program
  • Bidding and pricing maintenance contracts
  • Developing a restoration and maintenance contract
  • Selling maintenance programs to commercial properties
  • Maintaining marble and terrazzo
  • Maintaining granite

Resources, Support, and More
  • Valuable resources to help you grow and manage your commercial maintenance business, including sample contracts and worksheets for calculating pricing and costs
  • On-going Community based support
  • Optional Extended Support
  • Certificate of Completion 
  • LinkedIn Certification

Check out John's course Selling and Pricing Your Stone Restoration Services

Commercial Stone Floor Maintenance

Ongoing Support

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Throughout the lessons, students can post lesson specific questions through the lesson discussion panel and instructors will provide feedback. Students will also have access to on-going support through the Community of Practice (CoP) Discussion Group. Many other valuable support resources are available as well.

Got questions or having issues? We're here to help. Chat with us, give us a call at (407) 567-7680, or send us a message.