The rewards are plentiful

Changing lives is just the beginning

Have you ever thought of using your specialized knowledge to become an instructor? Because of your years of expertise, you are uniquely positioned to help others, not just in your area, but around the world. We can help you earn a passive income by cultivating and converting your knowledge and skills into a fully developed and marketed online course.

When you become an instructor with the SurpHaces Learning Institute, you join a community of respected surface care experts and business and marketing specialists who are making specialized education and training more accessible to people who are eager to gain new skills and advance their careers. Your course subject matter is not limited to an audience of surface care professionals, but people in other industries, as well. For example, how to build business, planning an exit strategy, how to work with insurance companies, sales and marketing, building your brand and reputation, how to get reviews, and an unlimited number of other potential courses.

It is a win-win situation for both you and your students. They can gain confidence in themselves, increase their earnings, and secure greater promotional opportunities, all on their own schedule, without travel and hotel costs or time away from work. Each time a student registers for your course, you get paid. 

Mark Van Doren, a scholar and professor at Colombia University who influenced a number of great writers said, “The art of teaching is the art of assisting discovery.” You can do this, and we can assist you to make it possible. At the SurpHaces Learning Institute, we are here to help you find success as an instructor. The knowledge you pass on is invaluable and should be shared.

Contact us to learn more and discuss the possibilities.